/ Knowledge Base /Bricks Builder/ Fix Bricks Builder Templates Not Showing In SureCart

Fix Bricks Builder Templates Not Showing In SureCart

If you’ve created a product page template in Bricks and want to apply it to your SureCart products, you might run into an issue where the template isn’t visible. 

Instead of showing your product page template, the SureCart layout might take its place.

The issue arises when the product template is set to “SureCart Layout” instead of “Theme Layout” in the individual product settings.

Fortunately, you can fix this just by changing the template option to “Theme Layout”. Here’s how you can do it.

How to Fix Bricks Builder Templates Not Showing in SureCart

To ensure that your Bricks template is used, you need to update the template setting to “Theme Layout.” Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  • Go to SureCart > Products and select your preferred product.

By default, the page layout here will be set to “Theme Layout”. If you’ve set this to “SureCart Layout”, switch it back to Theme Layout again.

Once done, click on the Save Product button on the top.

When you view the product page now, you should see your Bricks Builder template displayed.

That’s all. If you’re still facing the same issue, please free to open a support ticket. We’re always here to help!

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