How to Edit & Customize a Form in Surecart - SureCart
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How to Edit & Customize a Form in Surecart

In the SureCart checkout form, there are several blocks available to help you customize your form with elements like email fields, phone number fields, and more.

If you’ve previously set up your checkout form and wish to make changes to it, this article will help you.

This guide will also walk you through using these features and making edits to your checkout forms.

Let’s dive in!

How to Edit and Customize Your Checkout Form

If you already have a checkout form created and you want to make some changes to it, you can simply follow the steps below:

  • On your website, go to SureCart and click on Forms, then click the Edit button below the form where you want to make the changes.
SureCart Checkout Edit
  • Click on the block that you want to edit. You will see the settings panel open on the right side of your screen and you can make the desired changes.
SureCart Checkout Block edit
  • Similarly, you can make changes to any block of your checkout form, and when you’re satisfied with the changes, you can update the checkout form from the Update button.
SureCart Checkout Update

That’s it.

Your checkout form has been updated as per the changes you made. You can purchase a product from your store, and before you make the payment, you will see your new checkout form!

How to Add Other Blocks to the Checkout Form

You can add any block on your checkout form as per your requirement to show different things on your checkout form.

Let’s say you have a checkout form for your store where you need to add the Terms and Conditions checkbox field so people can agree to your terms before they make a purchase.

So, in this case, you can follow these steps to add a checkbox for Terms and Conditions!

  • Click the plus sign below any block you already have, search for the Checkbox, and then click it.
SureCart Checkout Checkbox block
  • Select the Checkbox text and change it by writing Terms and Conditions.
SureCart Checkout Checkbox customize
  • Select the Terms and Conditions, click on the link button, and insert the URL of the Terms and Conditions page.
SureCart Checkout Checkbox add link
  • Toggle on the switch to make it Required and Checked by default.
SureCart Checkout checkbox settings

The newly added blocks will now appear on your checkout page.

SureCart Checkoug page

You can set up this new checkout form as per your preference, and here’s an article that will help.

So that was about editing and customizing your checkout forms. Hope it was helpful.

And now, we would be happy to answer any questions you may have!

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