/ Knowledge Base /Checkout/ Create Advanced Checkouts With the Conditional Block

Create Advanced Checkouts With the Conditional Block

This article will show how to make certain parts appear in the checkout form based on special rules we call conditions.

For instance, imagine you’re shopping online and adding a product to your cart. Depending on the customer’s country, like the US, India, or Brazil, certain parts, such as a tax ID field, will appear.

This helps sellers create fancier personalized checkouts and make it nicer for people buying things.

Understanding Conditional Blocks

Imagine you’re shopping online for clothes. You add a shirt to your cart, but then the website pops up with a suggestion: “Hey! People who bought this shirt also liked these jeans.” That’s a Conditional Block in action.

A Conditional block is like a smart tool in the checkout process. It changes what you see based on certain rules. It looks at things like what you’re buying, how much you’re spending, any coupons you’ve used, which way you’re paying, or where your stuff is getting sent. 

Then, it shows you different messages or options that fit those rules. So, it makes the checkout experience feel more personalized by showing you stuff that’s just right for what you’re doing.

How to Use the Conditional Block

In this section of the article, we will create a checkout form that covers real-case scenarios. This demonstration will help you understand how to apply these practices to suit your specific needs.

Showing the TaX ID Field if the User is From a Specific Country

To display the Tax ID field based on the user’s country, such as the US, India, or Brazil, follow these simple steps below.

  • Navigate to your checkout form at SureCart > Checkout.
  • Click on this + icon to add a new block in your checkout form.
  • Search for Conditional and click to add it.
  • Select the Add Conditions button. This action will prompt a pop-up to appear.
  • In the dropdown menu under Condition, currently set to “Product(s),” click and select “Shipping Country.”
  • Choose the relevant country/countries for your scenario— for this example, it’s the United States, India, and Brazil. Afterward, click the Set Rules button.
  • Click the plus button to add a new block.
  • Type “Tax” to find and select the VAT or Tax ID input field.
  • You can input the specific name relevant to your country, such as SSN for the US, CPF for Brazil, and others accordingly, for the Tax ID field that appears. For the purposes of this article, let’s leave it as “Tax ID.”
  • Click the Update button located at the top right corner of your screen to save the changes made to your checkout form.

This is how the checkout form will function for your customers now.

Setting Alerts for Pre-Order or Backordered Items

You have a new product idea, and you want to see if people are interested before making it. You can set up your online store so that when customers add this product to their cart, they’ll see a message about it being a pre-order item.

Additionally, you can display a special message informing users about the expected delivery date and provide any additional information regarding the order.

Let’s assume you’ve already created a product, as shown in the example below:

In the example provided, a pre-order fee of $10 will be charged initially, followed by a subsequent charge of the remaining $29 after 30 days.

Let’s now establish the condition as follows:

  1. Navigate to your store’s checkout. 
  2. Insert a Conditional block following the order summary.
  3. Choose the product for which you wish to display the message to the user, then click on Set Rules.
  1. Insert a text paragraph block and type the message you wish to display.
  1. Click the Update button on the top right corner of your screen to ensure your changes are saved.

Now, when your clients add that specific product to their cart, a special message will appear to provide them with the pre-order information or any other details you’ve set up.

We’ve presented just a few scenarios to give you an idea of how powerful and interesting this conditional block can be. Get creative and leverage it to craft amazing checkout experiences.

Should you require further assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us.

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