/ Knowledge Base /Subscriptions/ How to Manage Subscriptions in SureCart

How to Manage Subscriptions in SureCart

SureCart allows you to setup customer subscription models. You can simply create product purchase plans that customers can buy as subscriptions.

When you enable product subscriptions, managing them becomes necessary. This guide walks you through the essential steps for effectively managing SureCart subscriptions.

After setting up your SureCart store, Go to your WordPress dashboard.

  • Navigate to the SureCart plugin, and click on Subscriptions.

This area displays a list of your subscriptions along with their current status.

Changing Renewal Date

There may be situations where you want to change your customer’s renewal date for a particular subscription. SureCart has a feature that allows you to change the subscription renewal date.

To change your customer’s renewal date:

  • Select Actions and then Change Renewal Date.
  • Select a new date and time from the calendar.

You can adjust this renewal date without affecting your subscriber’s existing settings.

How to Pause User Subscription

Subscribers might need a break for various reasons. Business decisions, financial situations change, or they may have too much of a product at the moment. Pausing a subscription offers customers a practical solution without making them cancel your product subscription.

  • Select Actions and then select Pause Subscription.
  • Select the new date and time until which you’d like to pause the subscription.

This action pauses the customer’s subscription.

You can either resume your paused subscription immediately or set a date and time at which it will be resumed automatically.

How to Cancel User Subscription

Subscription cancellation is one of the most common things to take care of when managing subscriptions. Customers cancel their subscriptions regularly.

Canceling subscriptions in SureCart is straightforward:

  • Click on Actions and then choose Cancel Subscription.

You can decide whether to cancel the subscription immediately or at the end of the current period i.e. end of the current subscription.

Updating Subscription Details

The update subscriptions feature allows you to modify various subscription details, such as adjusting product quantities, adding free trials, editing payment methods, and enabling prorate charges.

You can update these changes immediately or schedule them for later on.

Prorate charges are like getting a fair bill when you change your subscription in the middle of the month.

For example, if a customer upgrades their plan during the month – prorate makes sure they’re billed or credited fairly for the time left in that month.

Edit Your Customer Details

You can also edit the individual customer details in SureCart. Click on the View Customer button in your Subscription details dashboard:

You can update the customer’s name, email, and phone number.

Additionally, you can also view customer transactions, check purchases, add shipping addresses for customers, and choose customer email notification preferences.

  • Click on the Save Customer button after you’ve made the changes.

SureCart simplifies subscription management with a range of options like these which are crucial in enhancing your customer’s experience.

We hope this guide has been helpful. If you have any further questions or need clarification, don’t hesitate to contact our support team.

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