/ Knowledge Base /Email/ How to Customize Email Templates

How to Customize Email Templates

SureCart allows you to personalize emails for your customers. You can adjust notification settings, edit content, and add a personal touch to the subject and body.

To customize any email that SureCart sends to customers, please follow the steps below:

Choosing the Email to Edit

Navigate to SureCart Settings > Notifications.

You can see the name of the email, the description, and a button to edit. Click on the Edit button to customize it.

For example, here we are editing the email message which is sent to customers upon subscription cancellation.

Overview of Email Editing

Upon clicking on the Edit button, you will be redirected to the SureCart platform where you will find more of these email templates under the Email > Customer Emails section.

You can easily change the Email Subject. The Email Body might look a little daunting for some users but fear not, we are going to make it easy for you.

The Liquid Variables are the ones that allow us to output data for this specific template. Most of the work will be in the Email Body, so let’s break it down.

Editing Email Subject

Edit the Email Subject text to your liking. You can use the same example below for testing purposes.

Notice that we used a Liquid Variable called {{ subscription.name }}. We will cover that later.

Previewing Email to See Changes

Click on the Save button to save your changes. You can preview the email by clicking on the Preview Email button.

You can see that your new Email Subject has been updated, and the Liquid Variable has been successfully replaced by the Product Name.

If you wish, you can send a test email by clicking on the Send Test Email button.

If you make a mistake, you can always revert to the default template by clicking on the Revert to Default button.

Editing Email Body

Let’s now change the h3 heading. Replace the text on line 2 from “Your subscription was canceled” to “Your subscription just ended. Please renew!“.

Let’s also replace the paragraph lines 4 to 6 with the following text:

Click on the Save button, and then click on the Preview Email button to see a preview.

You can see that the Liquid Variable was correctly replaced by the subscription name and that both paragraphs from above are the way we want.

Liquid Variables

Liquid variables, like {{ subscription.name }}, insert dynamic content in the email templates.

For example, here’s how Liquid Variables for this Order Confirmation email template are displayed:

   "store": {
    "brand": {
      "address": "Logoipsum\n2200 Tinker Loop\nAlamogordo New York 88310\nUnited States of America",
      "email": "suport@storename.com",
      "logo_url": "https://media.surecart.com/4zqjol8ny24sf7zibtkbop7vqmqw",
      "phone": "(575) 479-4701",
      "website": "https://storename.com"
    "name": "Store Name",
    "url": "https://storename.com"

Here is how we extract it to be used as a variable in our email body.

  • {{ store.brand.address }}: This variable will output the store’s brand address.
  • {{ store.brand.email }}: This variable will output the store’s brand email address.
  • {{ store.brand.logo_url }}: This variable will output the store’s brand logo URL.
  • {{ store.brand.phone }}: This variable will output the store’s brand phone number.
  • {{ store.brand.website }}: This variable will output the store’s brand website.
  • {{ store.name }}: This variable will output the store’s name.
  • {{ store.url }}: This variable will output the store’s URL.

You can follow the same idea to extract the variable and modify your email to best suit your company’s needs.


Let’s see just a few filters that will help you personalize even more your email templates.

Capitalize Letters

Suppose the customer typed their name all in small caps, like “adrian l. derossett” and you want the email to capitalize. So here’s how you can do it in the email body:

{{ "adrian l. derosset" | capitalize }}

The result will be: “Adrian L. Derosset“.

Prepend and Append

Going one step further we can also append or prepend some text to it, see an example here of prepend:

{{ "adrian l. derosset" | capitalize | prepend: "Hello " }}

The result will be: “Hello Adrian L. Derosset“.

Splitting the Name

Now, suppose you want only the first name – some people have big names, and it would be odd to add to an email a big name. So one way you can accomplish it is this:

{{ "adrian l. derossett" | split: " " | first | capitalize | prepend: "Hello "}}

The result will be: “Hello Adrian“.

Finding More Filters

We covered just a few filters, but you can see all filters available here.

That’s it with this guide. If you have any more questions or come across any issues, please feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re always here to help!

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