How to Pay Affiliates for Every Customer Purchase or Subscription Renewal
SureCart’s affiliate platform lets you pay a specific affiliate whenever a customer makes a purchase or renews a subscription.
Let’s say you have an affiliate who referred a customer to your product’s subscription service. Every time that customer renews their subscription, you want to compensate the affiliate for bringing them in. This means that for every month or billing cycle the customer stays subscribed, the affiliate receives a commission.
You can do the same for regular purchases. For example, if an affiliate brings in a customer, you can arrange for that affiliate to get paid for all future purchases the customer makes. So, every time the customer buys something, whether it’s today, next week, or next year, the affiliate earns a reward.
This article tells you how to accomplish both of these tasks directly from your WordPress dashboard.
Paying Affiliates for Every Future Customer Purchase
This is when you want to pay an affiliate for every future purchase a customer makes. To do this, login to your WordPress dashboard and follow these steps:
- Navigate to SureCart > Customers and select the customer you want.
- Choose the affiliate you want to reward for each purchase by this customer.
- If you want to set a time limit for these payments, click these three dots and select Update.
- Set the time and date until which you want to pay this affiliate for each customer purchase and click Update.
Note: If you want to pay your affiliate indefinitely for every purchase the customer makes, leave this option as it is.
Finally, click on the Save Customer button at the top-right to enable these commissions.
Paying Affiliates for Every Subscription Renewal
When you want to pay your affiliate each time a subscription renews, here’s what you need to do:
- Navigate to SureCart > Subscriptions and select the customer’s subscription.
- Choose the affiliate you wish to pay for each renewal of this subscription.
- Similarly, if you want to limit the payment duration, click the three dots and access the calendar. Otherwise, leave this field unchanged.
That’s all there is! Now you can configure this behavior for different affiliates and customers as you like.
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