/ Knowledge Base /Getting Started/ Upgrade Your Plan

Upgrade Your Plan

In case you have a Launch plan or Grow plan that has Upgrades for Second or multiple stores available, you can upgrade easily. In this article, we will explain how you can upgrade your stores.

Note: Or else if you do not have Upgrades available, you will be required to purchase an upgrade as per the current pricing.

Step 1: Navigate to your SureCart Dashboard by clicking here and select the store you want to make an update.

  1. Select the desired store here.

Step 2: Open the Settings tab and then Plans. Here you will see the current plan of the store and the option to update it to the upper plan.

Step 3: Choose the desired plan and you will be taken to the payment page:

4. After you complete the checkout, your store will be updated to the plan you selected.

That’s it, we successfully made changes to the store upgrade.

Note: If you’re still on the same plan, please activate the purchased plan from the Plans tab.

Click on the “Use Upgrade” button under your purchased plan to activate it for your store. Afterward, you can easily connect your store.

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