/ Knowledge Base /Getting Started/ How to Install SureCart Plugin and Connect it to the SureCart Platform

How to Install SureCart Plugin and Connect it to the SureCart Platform

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install the SureCart plugin and connect it to the SureCart platform.

So if you do not know this, SureCart Platform is like a storage unit that stores all data, customer orders, products, and store configurations instead of your WordPress site.

And that helps us keep your WordPress site from slowing down while you use SureCart.

That’s why you need to connect the SureCart plugin on your WordPress site to the SureCart Platform.

Install the SureCart Plugin from the WordPress Repository

To connect SureCart with your WordPress site, you have to install and activate SureCart plugin on your site.

So you can search for SureCart on the WordPress repository and install & activate it on your site as you would normally install and activate any WordPress plugin.

Next, let’s connect the SureCart plugin to your new store from your WordPress account!

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