/ Knowledge Base /Checkout/ How to Insert the Checkout Form in a Page Using Gutenberg

How to Insert the Checkout Form in a Page Using Gutenberg

Since checkout forms are not directly hosted on web URLs, you cannot share them with others, but you can insert the checkout form on a page and share it with people.

There are two ways to add a checkout form on WordPress:

  • Inserting the Checkout Form Shortcode in a shortcode block
  • Using the checkout form widget in the page editor

You can use any of the ways to add your forms on pages.

Let’s begin with how to add a checkout form to a WordPress page using the shortcode method.

  1. Go to SureCart from your website, click on Forms, then copy the shortcode checkout form.
  1. Go to Pages and add a new page.
  1. If you are using Gutenberg Editor, insert a Name for your page, click on the plus button and the shortcode element.
  1. You now need to paste the shortcode copied from Step 1 and click on Publish.

Once you publish the page, you will be able to see your checkout form on the published page.

Alternatively, you can add the Checkout Form element to your page and select the checkout form you want to add to this page.

The checkout page will be integrated into the page, and it will look like this.

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