/ Knowledge Base /Products/ How to Hide the Product From the Shop Page

How to Hide the Product From the Shop Page

If you want to hide any product from the shop page, you can just change its status from ‘published’ to ‘draft’.

This way, It won’t appear to users on the shop page, but if you’ve set it as ‘purchasable’ in the previous settings, you can still send folks the direct link to buy it.

SureCart Shop Page

Let’s hide this product from the shop page.

  • Choose the necessary product and click on it through SureCart from your website (follow the same steps as in the previous instructions).
SureCart Select A product
  • Click on Published from the Product Page option and select Draft.
SureCart product hide from shop page
  • Click on the Save Product button to save the changes.
SureCart Save Product changes

Now, the sunglasses product is hidden from your shop page.

SureCart shop page

Alright, so this article is about changing the product availability to boost your business. There are two main ways to do it:

Make a product available or not. It helps you manage stock and makes customers want to buy fast.

Show or hide products on your shop page. Great for testing new stuff or pushing what’s already selling, like hotcakes.

Hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us!

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