/ Knowledge Base /Products/ How to Link Images to Product Variants in SureCart

How to Link Images to Product Variants in SureCart

Beta Feature

The feature described here will be available starting with SureCart version 3.0. If you’d like to try this feature before the official release, you can install the beta version by visiting the SureCart plugin page on WordPress.org. In the Advanced Options section, select the latest version labeled “SureCart V3.0-Beta” from the Development Version dropdown, and click “Download.”

In SureCart, you can link images to specific product variants to ensure the correct image is displayed when a customer selects a variant option (e.g., color, size) on the product page. This guide will walk you through the steps to link an image to a variant using SureCart settings and the WordPress Media Library.

Set Up Variants in SureCart

Before linking an image to a variant, ensure that your product has variants set up correctly. For more detailed instructions on creating and managing product variants, check out our Creating and Managing Variants guide.

You can do this in the SureCart product settings:

  • Option Name: This is the category of the variant (e.g., Color, Size).
  • Option Values: These are the specific variants under each category (e.g., White, Black, Light Green for Color).

Option Name: Color
Option Values: White, Black, Light Green

Link the Image to a Variant

In your product Images gallery, hover over the image you want to link to a variant. When you see the pencil icon appear (as shown in the image below), click on it to edit the image details.

After selecting the image, you will see the attachment details on the right side. Here’s how to link the image to a variant:

  1. In the Variant field, enter the exact variant name as it appears in the Option Values section of your SureCart product settings.
    • Important: The input is not case-sensitive, so “Green,” “green,” and “GREEN” will all link correctly. However, ensure the spelling matches exactly (e.g., Light Green, not LightGreen).
  2. Click Select to save the changes.

Variant: Light Green

Verify the Link

To ensure that the image is correctly linked to the variant:

  1. Go back to your product page in SureCart.
  2. Select the variant option on the product page (e.g., choose “Light Green” from the color options).
  3. The image you linked should now appear when the variant is selected.

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