/ Knowledge Base /Online Store/ How to transfer a store to a new organization and assign a license.

How to transfer a store to a new organization and assign a license.

On the SureCart platform, you can transfer a store from one organization to another. In this documentation, we will guide you through this process and explain how to apply a license to the store.

Store to Transfer:

  • Open the SureCart platform and select the store you want to transfer
  • Navigate to the General tab and scroll down to the “Transfer Store” button.
  • In the pop-up window, select the destination organization where the store will be transferred. and hit the Transfer button.

That it, your store is now transferred to another organization.

Now that your store has been transferred to another organization, we can proceed with applying one of the store licenses. Let’s follow these steps.

  • Click on Organization Settings to access organization setting of that store.
  • Open the Plans & Billing of the organization
  • Here you will see an option to apply license for your store.
  • Use the Assign Store license button to open a popup with the options to apply your license to the stores.

On this popup, you will see all stores of this organization including one that we moved recently, use the Assign button to assign a license to that store.

That’s it! Now you know how to transfer stores between organizations and assign licenses to them. If you have any further questions, feel free to reach out to us through the available support channels.

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