/ Knowledge Base /Products/ How to Set Up a Donation/Pay What You Want in SureCart

How to Set Up a Donation/Pay What You Want in SureCart

SureCart has a few options for how to set up prices for your products or even collect donations for your fundraisers. This option is called the Pay What You Want option.

In this article, you’ll learn about this payment option, and see how you can set it up in SureCart to start collecting donations from the users.

What is Donation/Pay What You Want

Pay What You Want (PWYW) or Donation pricing is a flexible pricing strategy where customers have the freedom to determine the price they are willing to pay for a product or service.

Instead of a fixed or predetermined price, PWYW allows customers to choose the amount they believe the product or service is worth to them.

This approach is also sometimes referred to as “Pay What You Can” or “Donation.”

And if you’re using SureCart, you can easily create pricings with Pay What You Want/Donation pricing in SureCart easily.

How to Set Up Donation in SureCart

SureCart allows the creation of a product form that provides multiple donation amount from which the user can select an amount or enter a custom amount.

You will be able to allow donors to choose the amount they contribute, with a minimum amount.

If you want to accept donations on your website, SureCart can make the process simple and straightforward. We’ll walk you through the steps to create a donation form with SureCart in this article.

  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard and navigate to SureCart and Products. Click on the “Add New” button to create a new product.
  • Add the name of the product and click on the create button. Once the product is created, click on the “Add a Price” button to add a price to your product.
  • Let the Payment Type be One Time, now set a price and enable the button that says “ Allow Customer to pay anything they want”. This will ensure that the customer can donate any amount of their choice.

You can also select the minimum amount and maximum amount of the donation. If you would like to include the tax with the donation amount, enable the tax included button.

  • Click on the “Create Price” button to complete the process.

That’s it, we have successfully created the Donation/Pay What You Want Pricing in SureCart.

Next, you can set up a Donation Form and select the above-created product to create a donation form that you can share with your customers to collect payments for this product.

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