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Order Bumps
An order bump is a strategic, last-minute upsell offer presented during the checkout process that aims to increase the average transaction value and boost overall revenue.
Creating an Order Bump
In this section of the documentation, we will guide you through the process of creating an Order Bump and provide tips and best practices to ensure its success.
Step 1: Click On SureCart, Order Bumps, and then Add New.
Step 2: Add a descriptive name for your Order Bump and click on the dropdown to select the product.
Step 3: Click on the dropdown menu and select your Order Bump product. Here, we’ll be adding our example product named Simple Physical Product.
Alternatively, you can just start typing the product name and select it from the dropdown menu. You can also keep a custom name.
Step 4: Click on the Create button to create your Order Bump.
Display Conditions
Display Conditions are the criteria that determine when an Order Bump will be presented to a customer during their checkout process. By setting specific conditions, you can target customers with the right offers, increasing the likelihood of a successful upsell.
In this section of the documentation, we will explore the various display conditions available and how to use them effectively.
Step 1: To add a condition, click on the + Add A Condition button.
Step 2: In the section Choose An Item click on the dropdown menu.
Step 3: You can choose between two criteria to display: Price or Product. For this example, we are going to select Product.
Step 4: Once we select Product as an Item, head to Select A Product and click on the dropdown to open the product selection.
Step 5: You can type to search the product or you can navigate on the menu to find the product. Once you find it, click on it.
Step 6: Click on the Add Condition button to confirm your selection.
Step 7: Select when you want to show this bump offer. For this example, we have selected Any of these items in the cart.
This means whenever people add our example Sale Product to their cart, they will also have the option to buy our example Simple Physical Product with the order bump name “Beautiful Case”
We will cover more of these display conditions in the next section.
Step 8: Finally, to save your changes, click on the button Save Order Bump located in the top right corner of your screen.
Now whenever a customer adds our example Sale Product to their cart, they will be shown an order bump with the name “Beautiful Case”. When they select the bump offer, Simple Physical Product will also be added to their cart.
Adding More Conditions
Now that we set the initial condition, let’s explore a few more. In the Show Bump Offer If area, click on the toggle to open more options.
You can see we have three options to display. Click on the + Add A Condition button to add one more condition.
You can also add another product as an order bump. Just click on the Add Condition button.
We will add an example product Simple Digital Product now.
Now, if any of the two example products, “Sale Product” or “Simple Digital Product” are in the cart, customers will also be shown the order bump for Simple Physical Product.
To apply these settings, don’t forget to click on the Save Order Bump button on the top right corner of your screen.
At the moment, no discount is being applied to the Order Bump. However, we are going to cover this topic now. Let’s proceed!
Applying a Discount
In the Discount section, located below the Display Conditions, choose how you want to apply the discount. You can select either Percentage or Fixed.
In our example, we have chosen to apply a Percentage discount.
Enter the percentage discount you would like to apply.
In our example, we have set the discount at 50%. Once you have entered your desired percentage, a switch will appear allowing you to choose whether to Auto Apply Discount. We have chosen this option to automatically apply the discount during checkout.
Click on the Save Order Bump button on the top right corner of your screen to apply the settings.
Now we can verify that for our other product, Simple Digital Product, the Order Bump is also displayed, and the discount of 50% has been automatically applied.
Adding a Description and Call-To-Action (CTA)
Enhance your Order Bump’s appeal by filling out the Bump Description and adding a compelling Call To Action. Once you’ve made these changes, save your progress to see the improvements in action.
Let’s take a look at how the changes have improved the Order Bump. You can see that the Call To Action and Bump Description are now displaying correctly and are much more appealing to customers.
Bump priority
Having multiple bumps can sometimes confuse customers, so prioritizing them is crucial to providing a clear and relevant offer. With this feature, you can control which bump takes precedence over others and offer a better customer experience.
You’ll find the Bump priority setting in the top right corner of your screen, located right below the Save Order Bump button.
Simply enter a number between 1 and 5 to indicate the priority of your bump. 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest priority.
The higher the number, the higher the priority of the bump, and the more likely it is to be displayed to the customer.
Customizing Order Bump Placement
Order bumps are automatically added to your checkout forms. However, you may want to consider placing the Order Bumps field in a different spot. This can help increase visibility and encourage customers to add additional items to their orders.
In the following section, we’ll walk you through the steps to do this.
Creating a New Form
Step 1: Go to the SureCart menu, click on Custom Forms, then click on the Add New button to create a new Form.
Step 2: Give a name to your Order Bump, choose a starting design – we chose “Full Page,” but you can select the most appropriate option for your needs – and then click the Next button.
Adding a Product to the Form
Step 3: Select the product or products you want to include in your form by clicking the + Add Product button. This will open the product selection screen.
Step 4: To find the product you want to add, click on the Select a product toggle. All available products will be displayed, and you can use the scrollbar to navigate through them.
Once you find the product you want to add, click on it to select it.
Step 5: On this screen, you have a variety of options to customize your Checkout Form. You can view the products you selected in the previous step, adjust the quantity, remove a product, or add another product.
In the Product Options section, you can choose the options that make the most sense for your needs. Additionally, you can create a custom thank-you page specific to this form.
Once you’re satisfied with your settings, simply click the Create button to finalize your Order Bump.
Adding Bump Block to Form
Step 6: To add an Order Bump element to your Form, simply hover your mouse between any existing element and a thick blue line with a plus sign in the middle will appear. Click on the plus icon to add the Order Bump element to your form.
Step 7: After clicking on the plus icon, a popup will appear where you can choose the element you want to add. Search for the Order Bumps element.
Step 8: Now, you can position the element anywhere on your form by clicking on the arrows or simply dragging and dropping it to your preferred location.
Step 9: To save your changes, simply click on the Publish button, which is located in the top right corner of your screen.
That’s it with this guide! If you face any issues while adding order bumps, please reach out to us!
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