/ Knowledge Base /Localization/ Multi-currency


The Multi-Currency feature displays product prices in different currencies based on the customer’s location or preference. Instead of seeing a single currency, customers view prices in their local currency (e.g., USD $30.00, EUR €28.00, GBP £25.00), helping them understand the exact cost without needing to calculate conversions themselves.

This feature helps customers by:

  • Showing prices in their familiar currency
  • Eliminating the need for manual currency conversion
  • Providing clear pricing during checkout 

Let’s get started!

Adding a Display currency

You have full control over selecting each currency you want to display in your store to create a more intuitive and user-friendly shopping experience for your customers. Here’s how to add a currency:

In the Display Currencies section, click the Add New button, then select a currency .

Once you add a currency, you can view its Label, Exchange Rate, and a Preview of how it will appear on the frontend. The exchange rate is updated automatically by SureCart, so you don’t need to manage it manually. 

Currency Switcher on Classic Themes

To add the currency switcher to your storefront, you can easily include it in your menu by selecting the desired menu or using the provided shortcode.

  • For classic themes, click on the Add Menu button and choose the menu to which you want to add the currency switcher.
  • Now, select the position where you want the currency switcher to appear (e.g., left or right) and click the Save button. 

Currency Switcher on FSE Themes

For Full Site Editing (FSE) themes, a special block has been created to include the currency switcher. Simply edit the template, typically in the header, and add the currency switcher block. Here’s how to add it to the shop/collections page:

  • In the Templates section, filter for SureCart (1).
  • Click on the Product Collections template (2).
  • Click on the Document Overview icon to easily locate and insert the block in the desired position within the template.
  • In the search field, type “currency” (1) and select the Currency Switcher block (2).
  • Configure the Currency Switcher to your desired settings, and click the Save button in the top-right corner of your screen.

Once saved, visit your storefront to see the Currency Switcher displayed in the position you selected.

Currency Switcher on Page Builders

You can easily add the Currency Switcher to popular page builders like Bricks Builder, Elementor, and Divi by using this shortcode:


Simply edit your template and insert the shortcode where you want the Currency Switcher to appear. The switcher will automatically render in the specified location. 

Currency Formatting

The Currency Formatting setting allows you to control how currencies are displayed on your site. This is important because formatting can vary between locales, and displaying prices in a format familiar to your customers improves clarity and creates a more professional shopping experience.

For example, some locales use different currency symbols, decimal placements, or display preferences (e.g., $1,234.56 vs. 1.234,56 USD). Choosing the right locale ensures that your storefront aligns with the expectations of your target audience.

Additionally, any changes made to the Currency Formatting setting are reflected in the PREVIEW column in the Display Currencies section, giving you a visual confirmation of how the currency will appear to your customers.

Here’s how to configure it:

  • Under Currency Settings, locate the Formatting Locale dropdown.

By default, your site’s locale (e.g., Site Locale – English (United States)) is applied.

If you prefer a different format, select a specific locale from the dropdown. For example:

  • If your site is in Spanish but you want to display currency in USD with formatting used in the United States (without the “USD” prefix), select English (United States).
  • Save your changes.

This setting ensures your prices are displayed in a way that feels natural and clear for your audience, enhancing usability and trust.


Geolocation automatically detects a user’s location and sets the initial currency displayed on your site. This ensures visitors see prices in their local currency without needing to select it manually.

Visitors can still switch to a different currency using the Currency Switcher. Note that geolocation may not work properly if users are browsing with a VPN, proxy, or cached site pages.

Geolocation is enabled by default but can be easily turned off if needed.

That’s it! We hope this guide has been helpful.

If you encounter any issues while using the Currency Switcher or Geolocation feature, feel free to contact our support team. We’re here to assist you anytime!


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