/ Knowledge Base /Settings/ How to Export Your Data from SureCart

How to Export Your Data from SureCart

Today, we’re going to walk you through some important steps on how to export your store data from SureCart in a CSV file. This will enable you to uncover valuable insights and make the most of your SureCart store’s data.

Whether your goal is to analyze sales trends, make your operations more efficient, or supercharge your marketing efforts, this guide will show you how to export your data effectively.

So, let’s get started!

Types of Data You Can Export from SureCart

Now, let’s get to the heart of the matter – what data can you export from SureCart? The possibilities are rich and varied, and here’s the impressive lineup:

  1. Affiliates: A list of all your affiliate customers and users including their emails and other details.
  2. Charges: Get information on all the charges that were processed in your store including information like the amount, payment processor, date, currency, etc.
  3. Coupons: Get a list of all the coupons created on your store, both active and inactive.
  4. Customers: All the details related to customers like their first name, last name, email, addresses, etc.
  5. Line Items: Information and layout of the checkout pages that you have created.
  6. Orders: The list of all the orders made on your account with all the associated information for the orders including addresses and payment methods.
  7. Payouts: Affiliate payout information.
  8. Products/Prices: A list of all the products and their individual pricing options in your store.
  9. Promotions: A list of all the promotions run, active and inactive, in your store.
  10. Refunds: A list of all the refunds processed on your store including all the pertinent information for the refunds.
  11. Subscriptions: A list of all the subscriptions active and inactive on the account.

By exporting these varieties of data, you can analyze and make data-driven decisions to grow your business.

Let’s learn how to export data with SureCart.

How to Export Each Data Type with SureCart

SureCart exports the data mentioned above in a CSV format.

You can find these settings by following:

  1. Navigate to WordPress Dashboard > SureCart >Settings > Data Export.
  2. From this screen, choose which data you want to export.
  3. Click on the Export CSV button, and you will be redirected to your SureCart App Dashboard.
SureCart Data Export screen on WordPress Dashboard
  1. From here, you will be brought to the “Exports” tab.
  2. In order to export your data, click on the New Export (+) button at the top right corner.
  1. You will be presented with a popup to select the type of Data to export. Your export will include all records in a CSV format.
  1. Enter the email address where you want to receive your data export file.
  2. Click on the “Create” button.
  3. Once done, you will be brought back to the SureCart App Dashboard and you will find the status of the file export.
  1. You will get an email when the export is completed with a link to the file.
Export is ready email

Similarly, you can follow the same steps to export other types of data. Once this is done, the exported file will contain all the necessary information based on the data type that you selected to export.

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