/ Knowledge Base /Customer Dashboard/ How Can Customers Access the Dashboard

How Can Customers Access the Dashboard

So you’ve got your online store up and running—congrats!

Now, let’s make it super easy for your customers to manage their orders with the customer dashboard.

The customer dashboard is a special page that SureCart automatically generates when you activate the SureCart plugin.

This is like my account page that your individual customers can access.

SureCart Customer Dashboard

On this page, customers can find various details like recent orders, downloads, plans, account information, and more. They can also update their password, review billing details, and manage payment methods.

With this customer dashboard, people can add new payment methods, delete existing ones, and select a default payment method for their payments.

So let’s see how your customers can access their customer dashboard.

How Customers Can Access Their Dashboard While Making A Purchase

Once someone buys from you, they’ll get to a ‘thank you’ page.

On this page, your customers see a “Manage Orders” button appears. If the customer clicks this button, it takes them directly to their dashboard.

SureCart Manage Orders Button

The user will also receive an email notification about their order, and by clicking the View Order Details button, they will be redirected to their Customer Dashboard.

SureCart Email View Order Details

The first time customers land on the dashboard page, a prompt will ask them to set up a password for their account.

They can use this password to login into their account whenever needed.

If you added the password fields in the checkout and your customer set up the password from there, they will not have this prompt.

SureCart Set a password on SureCart Customer dashboard.

How Can Users Navigate To The Customer Dashboard Using The Header Menu

You may have wondered how I could add a link to the customer dashboard to the menu header. It’s very straightforward; let’s dive in.

When you install the SureCart plugin on your WordPress website, the customer Dashboard page is generated automatically.

SureCart Dashboard Page

Here is the front-end URL for the customer dashboard.

SureCart Dashboard URL

You can link that customer dashboard URL to your menu so the users can access it from there.

  • To do so, click on the Appearance and choose Menus.
Appereance Menus
  • In the Page Section, click View All, select Dashboard, then click Add to Menu.
Add Dashboard to Menu
  • The dashboard page will appear in your menus, then click the Save Menu button.
Save Menu

Now, anyone visiting your site can easily find the dashboard in the main menu.

Dashboard Link Menu Sample

They click, they log in, and bam—they’re in their dashboard!

Customer Dashboard

And there you have it—a quick guide about how your customer can access their Customer Dashboard from the menu header. Simple as that!

If you have any inquiries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are always ready to assist you!

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