/ Knowledge Base /Payments/ How to Enable/Disable Specific Processors For a Form

How to Enable/Disable Specific Processors For a Form

Enabling or disabling specific processors in your checkout form is like hand-picking the payment methods you want to show to your customers on the checkout page.

Let’s say you have multiple payment gateways connected to your SureCart store, like Mollie, Stripe, and others.

But you only want to show the payment methods that suit your customers’ preferences or your business needs instead of all the connected payment processors so that you can do that easily.

For example, you can only display Stripe as the payment method on the checkout form and hide others.

By the way, only paid plans have access to this feature.

So if you want to hide specific payment processors from your checkout form, then simply follow the steps below:

  1. Go to SureCart on your website and click ‘Forms’.
SureCart Forms
  1. Click on the form where you need to enable or disable the specific processor.
SureCart Choose a Form
  1. Scroll down to Payment Elements and click on it.
SureCart Payment block
  1. Enable or disable the payment processor you want. On the right side of the screen, you’ll see a list of payment processors. Just click the ones you need.
SureCart choose Payment Processors

That’s it!

Now your customers will only see the selected payment processor on this checkout form.

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