/ Knowledge Base / how to add Cart Toggle Icon to the menu for the FSE Themes

how to add Cart Toggle Icon to the menu for the FSE Themes

If your theme is FSE-compatible, you might notice that the Cart Menu Icon is missing from the menu. This is a common issue with all FSE themes. To resolve this, you’ll need to manually add the cart toggle to the header section.

To enhance the functionality and customization of the FSE theme, our team has created a Gutenberg block called “Cart Toggle Icon.” This block allows you to display Cart Toggle Icon within your FSE theme.

To do this open the header part of your theme and in the Guttenberg blocks find the “Cart Toggle Icon” and drag it to the appropriate place you want to have it.

Once you add this block, you can customize the Cart icon and choose whether to make it always visible or only visible when an item is added to the cart.

Check out this instructional video for a step-by-step guide on adding our custom Gutenberg block: https://d.pr/v/9f6VMd

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