/ Knowledge Base /Developer Docs/ The Cart Menu Icon Shortcode

The Cart Menu Icon Shortcode

Sometimes you will want to add the cart menu icon outside of your WordPress menus, or perhaps you are using a page builder that does not pull in default WordPress menus.

If you are not using the block editor, you can use the sc_cart_menu_icon shortcode to achieve this.

[sc_cart_menu_icon cart_icon="shopping-bag" cart_menu_always_shown=1]

This shortcode uses the following parameters:

  • cart_icon – Either “shopping-bag” or “shopping-cart”. Shows the specific cart icon of your choice.
  • cart_menu_always_shown – Either 1 or 0. If you choose 0, the icon won’t show up unless you have added something to your cart.

Find more of such helpful shortcodes in our list of shortcodes.

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