- Product Types
- Prices Types
- Adding Products
- One Time Pricing
- Subscription Pricing
- Subscription Trials Setup
- Installment Pricing
- Donation / Pay What You Want
- Inventory Management
- Product Variants
- Variant Images
- Digital Downloads
- Change Product Availability
- Product Collections
- First-Time Payment Discounts
- Manage Product Access
- Create Product With Free Trials
- Charge Set Up Fee on Trials
- Product List
- Product Pages
- Create Product Page in Elementor
- Custom Buy Links
- Product SEO
- Change Permalinks
- Custom Fields
- Related Products
- Test Mode/Payments
- Edit & Customize Form
- Change Form Template
- Delete SureCart Forms
- Add Checkout Form
- Checkout Form With Gutenberg
- Checkout Form in Elementor
- Custom Thank You Page
- Create Donation Form
- Customize Confirmation Popup
- Include Coupons in URLs
- Pre-Fill Checkout Fields
- Change Checkout Texts
- Password Field in Checkout
- Default Country Code
- Add Terms to Checkout
- Conditional Block Checkouts
- Remove Coupon Field
- Hide Quantity Option
- Disable Quantity Editing
- Disable Item Removal
- Country Specific Purchases
- Update Store Details
- Dark Mode
- Orders & Receipts
- Manage Slide-out Cart
- Customers Section Overview
- Create Customer
- Delete Customer
- Update Customer Details
- Edit Invoice Details
- Create Shipping Profiles
- Manage Shipping
- Disable Payment Processor
- Manage Store Notifications
- Manage PayPal Branding
- Transfer Store
- How to Download SureCart Purchase Invoice
- Fix View Order Button
- Fix Express Payment Buttons
- How To Stop Sending WooCommerce Notifications via SureCart?
- Fix PayPal Test Connection
- Fix Sign-In Loop
- Fix Order Confirmation Redirect
- Fix Divi Bullet Point Issue
- Fix Customer Dashboard
- Fix JSON Response Error
- Failed Payment Behavior
- Fix Stripe Zip Code Error
- Fix "Product Can’t Be Blank"
- Troubleshooting Guide
- PayPal IPN Warning Emails
- Caching Configuration for SureCart
- Why iDEAL Might Not Appear in Your CheckoutÂ
- Compatibility Guide
Dynamic Data for Bricks Builder
In this documentation, we will explore and explain all the dynamic data available for use within the Bricks Builder.
For more detailed information about Bricks Builder’s dynamic data, be sure to consult the official documentation on their website.
Let’s dive in and break it down.
Understanding Dynamic Data
Dynamic data refers to the data fields that can change based on the product or context. By utilizing dynamic data in Bricks Builder, you can efficiently display product-specific information that automatically updates, allowing for a highly customizable and personalized user experience. This is especially important for your store, where prices, stock, and descriptions frequently vary between products.
List of All Available Dynamic Data
The following table outlines all dynamic data fields that you can integrate into Bricks Builder. For each data field, we’ve included a description to help you understand its purpose, along with a practical example to show how it might be displayed on your website.
Dynamic Data | Description | Example |
{sc_product_price} | This field represents the default or first price of a product. It is often displayed prominently on the product page as the primary price that customers will see. | $39 |
{sc_product_selected_price} | The price that is currently selected in the Price Selector element. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | $30 |
{sc_product_scratch_price} | Also known as the “original price” or “list price,” this is the price before any discounts are applied. It is usually displayed as a crossed-out price next to the current price to highlight the discount. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | $29 |
{sc_product_selected_scratch_price} | This is the original price corresponding to the currently selected pricing option in the Price Selector. It is typically used in conjunction with the selected price to show a comparison between the original and discounted prices. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | $24 |
{sc_product_price_range} | For products that have variable prices (e.g., different models or sizes), this field displays the range from the lowest to the highest available price. This is useful when a product has multiple configurations, each with a different price. | $24 – $39 |
{sc_product_description} | The description of the product, giving customers an overview of its features and benefits. This dynamic field pulls in whatever text you’ve entered in the product’s description field and is displayed on the product page to inform potential buyers. | Offer your customers the flexibility they crave with multiple subscription terms… |
{sc_product_stock} | Displays the current stock level of the product, letting customers know how many items are available. This is especially useful for creating urgency if stock levels are low. | 33 |
{sc_product_sku} | The SKU (Stock Keeping Unit) is a unique identifier for your product, allowing you to track inventory and distinguish between different products or variants. | ABC12345 |
{sc_product_on_sale} | This field returns a value indicating whether or not the product is on sale. It typically outputs a true (1) or false (0) value and can be used to trigger sale-specific styling or badges. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | 1 |
{sc_product_tria} | If your product includes a trial period (commonly used for subscription products), this field will display the length or start date of the trial. | Starting in 15 days |
{sc_product_selected_price_trial} | Similar to the Product Trial field, but specific to the pricing option selected in the Price Selector. This ensures that trial information is accurate for each pricing option. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | Starting in 15 days |
{sc_product_billing_interva}l | Shows how frequently the customer will be billed (e.g., monthly, annually). This is particularly relevant for subscription-based products or services. | Every month |
{sc_product_selected_price_billing_Interval} | Displays the billing interval for the selected pricing option in the Price Selector, useful for products with multiple billing schedules. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | Every year |
{sc_product_setup_fee} | This field shows the setup fee associated with the product’s first price. A setup fee is a one-time charge that may be required when a customer purchases certain products. | $9 Setup Fee |
{sc_product_selected_price_setup_fee} | Displays the setup fee for the selected price in the Price Selector. If different pricing options come with different setup fees, this ensures that the correct fee is shown based on the user’s selection. If a product has multiple pricing options (e.g., different subscription plans or sizes), this dynamic field will change and reflect the selected option. | $9 Setup Fee |
{sc_price_name} | The name of the price or pricing option. This is particularly useful when a product has several pricing plans, and the name of the plan needs to be displayed. This dynamic data only works within the Price Choice element. | Subscribe & Save |
{sc_price_amount} | The actual price amount that the customer will pay, as selected in the Price Choice element. This dynamically adjusts based on what is chosen in the pricing options. | $24 / month |
{sc_price_trial} | Shows the trial period associated with the price selected in the Price Choice element. It is useful for subscription products where different pricing plans have different trial lengths. | Starting in 7 days |
{sc_price_setup_fee} | Displays the setup fee for the selected price in the Price Choice element. Like the other setup fee fields, this ensures that accurate information is presented to the customer. | $9 Setup Fee |
How to Use This Data in Bricks Builder
Using dynamic data in Bricks Builder allows you to design product pages that automatically update based on your product information. This approach saves time by eliminating the need for manual updates whenever prices, stock, or descriptions change, ensuring your e-commerce pages are always up-to-date.
To ensure dynamic data works correctly with SureCart in Bricks Builder, there are a few important conditions you must meet. Dynamic data must be used either:
- Inside a Query Loop where the SureCart Product is set as the post type, or
- Within a Bricks Template part for:
- SureCart – Single Product, or
- SureCart – Collection Archive.
Additionally, dynamic data should be placed inside Product Form or Product Card elements to ensure it pulls the correct product information and functions as expected.
If these conditions are not met, the dynamic data fields won’t pull in the correct product information.
Steps to Insert Dynamic Data:
- Navigate to the relevant page or template in Bricks Builder:
- For dynamic product displays, use a Query Loop with SureCart Product as the post type.
- Alternatively, use the SureCart – Single Product or SureCart – Collection Archive template parts to structure your product pages dynamically.
- Enable the Query Loop if applicable, and set the post type to SureCart Product.
- Ensure that the dynamic data is placed inside Product Form or Product Card elements to ensure it functions correctly.
- Select the element where you want to display dynamic data (e.g., a text block, pricing table, etc.).
- Choose the relevant dynamic data field from the available options within the Bricks interface.
- Preview your page to ensure that the correct product data is dynamically displayed.
By adhering to these steps and using the right template structure or query settings, you can effectively create pages that dynamically pull in and display product information in real time. This ensures your product pages are always accurate, saving you the hassle of manual updates.
This setup optimizes your workflow and guarantees that your product pages will always reflect the latest product details, improving the overall experience for your users.
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