/ Knowledge Base /Developer Docs/ SureCart List Of All Shortcodes

SureCart List Of All Shortcodes

This page lists all the awesome SureCart shortcodes for you, along with some simple instructions on how to use them. If you’re looking for more examples and in-depth info, be sure to check out the articles that focus on the specific shortcodes you’re interested in adding.

What is a ShortCode?

A shortcode is a simple and abbreviated code enclosed in square brackets, like [shortcode]. It lets you easily add dynamic content or functionalities to your posts, pages, or widgets without writing complex code.

For instance, you can use a shortcode to insert a SureCart Shop Page, you can add [sc_product_list] wherever you want it to appear.

How to Use Shortcodes?

When you want to insert dynamic content or functionality, you just need to place the appropriate shortcode within your post, page, or widget content. 

To use a shortcode on your website, simply follow the steps below:

  1. Copy the shortcode you have.
  2. Add the parameters you want to have. If you do not want to add any parameters, you can skip this part.
  3. Paste the shortcode where required. (If there is a shortcode block, please use that, otherwise a simple textbox will do).
  4. Save your post/page and check on the front end.

That’s all! Now, you will see the content on your website that is displayed by your shortcodes.

What are Shortcode Parameters and How to Use Them?

Shortcode parameters are like special instructions that let you change how a shortcode works and looks. They help you customize how the shortcode appears on your website.

For example, imagine you want to show a shopping cart icon on a specific page of your website using SureCart. By default, you’d use a shortcode like [sc_cart_menu_icon].

But if you want to change the icon to something else like a shopping cart, it’s easy. You can do that by adding an extra parameters to the default shortcode.

For instance, you can add “cart_icon=shopping-cart” to make the icon look like a shopping cart. This way, you can easily personalize the shortcodes to match your needs.

And if you’re wondering how to add the parameters to shortocodes, simply add them inside the shortcode as shown below.

Default shortcode: [sc_cart_menu_icon]

Modified shortcode with parameters: [sc_cart_menu_icon cart_icon="shopping-cart"]

By using parameters, you can customize how the icon appears, even when the cart is empty. You can add any parameter you want to make the shortcode suit your preferences!

List of All the Available Shortcodes 

Now that you know what shortcodes are and how to use them, here are some of the shortcodes that SureCart has for you.

You can use them anywhere across your site to display different elements on your website.

Shop Page

In this section, we talk about the shortcode and its parameters that can be applied to any page in order to show a list of products.

  • [sc_product_list] – Display a list of products in a grid.

If you want to add additional params, simply use the params below.

columnsIt sets the number of columns, defaulting to 4.
limitIt sets the maximum limit, defaulting to 15.
pagination_enabledIt enables or disables pagination, defaulting to enabled (true).
ajax_paginationIt activates or deactivates AJAX pagination, defaulting to enabled (true).
pagination_auto_scrollIt turns on or off automatic scrolling when new results are loaded, defaulting to on (true).
typeThe type of products to show. This can be set to “featured” for now, to show featured products.
search_enabledIt allows or disallows the use of a search function, defaulting to allowed (true).
sort_enabledIt permits or prohibits sorting functionality, defaulting to permitted (true).
idsThe product ids you want to show here, separated by a comma.
collection_enabledIt enables or disables the “filter” dropdown, defaulting to enabled (true).


[sc_product_list columns=5 limit=1 pagination_enabled=0 ajax_pagination=0]

Product Page

In this section, we talk about the shortcode and its parameters that can be applied to any page in order to show a list of products.

1. [sc_product_title] – This shortcode displays the title of the product

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.
To obtain the Product ID, refer to the FAQ at the end of this article.


[sc_product_title id="54b9e49d-91ab-4660-bad9-1a188e38b6e6"]

2. [sc_product_description] – This shorcode displays the description of the product

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.


[sc_product_description id="54b9e49d-91ab-4660-bad9-1a188e38b6e6"]

3. [sc_product_price] – This shortcode displays the currently selected price of the product

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.
sale_textThe text to show when the chosen price has a `compare at` price..


[sc_product_price id="54b9e49d-91ab-4660-bad9-1a188e38b6e6" sale_text="Offer"]

4. [sc_product_variant_choices] – This shortcode displays the variant choices of a product that contains variants.

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.


[sc_product_variant_choices id="54b9e49d-91ab-4660-bad9-1a188e38b6e6"]

5. [sc_product_price_choices]  – This shortcode shows the pricing choice of a product.

These are some additional parameters that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.
labelThe label to show above the price choices.
columnsThe number of columns to show the price choices in.
show_priceWhether or not to show the price in the price choices.


[sc_product_price_choices id="4b0f458b-fc73-483b-aa73-4ad79f4f84fb" label="Choose a price" columns="2"]

6. [sc_product_media] – This shortcode shows the product image or slideshow in case of more than one image.

These are some additional parameters that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.
auto_heightShould the slideshow automatically adjust its height to the current slide’s height?
heightThe height of the slideshow. This is disabled for auto_height.
widthThe max width of the slideshow or image.
thumbnails_per_pageThe number of thumbnails to show per page.


[sc_product_media id="4b0f458b-fc73-483b-aa73-4ad79f4f84fb" height="50px" width="150px"]

7. [sc_product_quantity] – This shortcode shows the quantity selector for the product.

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.
labelThe label to show above the quantity selector.


[sc_product_quantity id="4b0f458b-fc73-483b-aa73-4ad79f4f84fb" label="Quantity"]

8. [sc_product_cart_button] – This shortcode adds either the “Add To Cart” or “Buy Now” button based on the provided parameters.

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

idThe ID of the product.
textThe text to show on the button.
“add_to_cart=0”Adding this parameter transforms the “Add To Cart” button into a “Buy Now” button.


[sc_product_cart_button text="Add To Cart"]
[sc_product_cart_button add_to_cart=0 text="Buy Now" ]

Checkout Forms

[sc_form] – This shortcode displays the checkout form on a page or post.

This is the additional parameter that you can use with this shortcode.

IdThe form id


[sc_form id=123]

Cart Menu Icon

[sc_cart_menu_icon] – This shortcode display the Cart Menu Icon in any place WordPress allows it.

These are some additional parameters that you can use with this shortcode.

cart_iconCan be “shopping-cart” or “shopping-bag”
cart_menu_always_shownCan be “0” or “1”


[sc_cart_menu_icon cart_icon="shopping-cart" cart_menu_always_shown=1]

Customer Dashboard Button

[sc_customer_dashboard_button] – This shortcode adds the Customer Dashboard button

(no parameters)


Go To Dashboard

Order Confirmation

[sc_order_confirmation] – This shortcode allows you to show the Order confirmation
(no parameters)

[sc_order_confirmation_line_items] – This shortcode allows you to add the line items for the order confirmation
(no parameters)


Please check your inbox for more instructions.

Product Collections Page

In this section, we will discuss the shortcode and its parameters that can be applied to any page to display the Product Collections Page.

  • [sc_product_collection] – product collection page

If you want to add additional params, simply use the params below.

collection_idThe Collection ID located in the URL of the collections page (*Mandatory).
columnsIt sets the number of columns, defaulting to 4.
sort_enabledIt permits or prohibits sorting functionality, defaulting to permitted (true).
pagination_enabledIt enables or disables pagination, defaulting to enabled (true).
ajax_paginationIt activates or deactivates AJAX pagination, defaulting to enabled (true).
limitIt sets the maximum limit, defaulting to 15.


[sc_product_collection collection_id=04d8788b-833a-4a1a-b3d5-832d9286b238 columns=4 sort_enabled=1 search_enabled=1 pagination_enabled=1 ajax_pagination=1 limit=4]

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