/ Knowledge Base /Checkout/ How to Add a New Checkout Form

How to Add a New Checkout Form

If you want to create your checkout page to select the products you want to sell and share it with your customers so they can buy the products directly, you’ll need to create a custom checkout page and form.

Let’s understand how to do that!

  • Go to SureCart from your WordPress website and click on Forms.
  • Click Add New.
  • Insert a Title for the checkout form.
  • Next, you need to select a starting design.

There are multiple checkout templates that give you a variety of checkout form designs. You can choose your preferred design and click on the next button after selecting a design template from this list.

  • Add a product you want to sell with this checkout page by clicking the Add Product button.
  • When you add a product, you will see the Product Options feature, which includes the following options:

Customer must purchase all options: Your customer can be forced to buy all products if you add multiple products.

Customer must select one of the options: This option will restrict the customer from selecting more than one product.

Customer can select multiple options: This option allows the customer to select multiple products if you’re offering more than one product on this checkout page.

  • Set Persist Across Pages in the Form Cart setting – Instead of resetting the cart with each page load, the selected products remain intact as the user navigates through your site. Imagine a scenario where a user adds items to their cart and then moves to another page or even closes their browser. With this feature, when they return, their cart will still contain the previously selected products.

  • Click the Publish button to publish your checkout form.

That’s it. You’ve created your checkout form.

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