/ Knowledge Base /Email/ How to Remove SureCart Logo from the Automatic Email Notification?

How to Remove SureCart Logo from the Automatic Email Notification?

One of the features of SureCart is the ability to send automatic email notifications to customers, such as order confirmations and shipping updates.

However, by default, these emails contain the SureCart logo, which may not be desirable for some businesses.

Here is a sample of automatic email notifications sent by SureCart on placing an order.

In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps to remove the SureCart logo from your automatic email notifications.

Whether you’re looking to enhance your brand identity or simply prefer a cleaner look for your emails, this guide will help you customize your SureCart email notifications to better suit your business needs.

Please note, that this is a premium feature and you will need to upgrade your account to one of the premium subscriptions to access this feature.

  • From your WordPress dashboard, navigate to Settings under SureCart.
  • Access the Design and Branding section and toggle the button next to the Remove SureCart Branding.
  • Click on the Save button to make the changes permanent.

This will remove the SureCart logo on the emails that customers receive.

In conclusion, removing the SureCart logo from your automatic email notifications is a quick and easy way to personalize your e-commerce store and improve your branding.

We hope this solution was helpful. If you have any more questions, please feel free to reach out to our support team. We’re always here to help you.

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