Team SureCart
June 13, 2023

SureCart 2.1: Getting Started Faster

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.1 which makes getting started with SureCart much easier and faster.

You are now greeted with an onboarding process where you can try SureCart without creating an account, and you can install demo data.


  • New: Better, quicker onboarding for new stores.
  • New: Visit Store link in WordPress admin bar.


  • Improvement: Settings page sticky header.
  • Improvement: Update wording in order bump condition selector.
  • Improvement: Updated translations.
  • Improvement: Make subscription saver description text darker to better comply with accessibility.
  • Improvement: Add filter to skip page and form seeding.


  • Fix: Rename magic sign-in.
  • Fix: Change “Pro” to “Premium”.
  • Fix: Issue with product pages not loading for some servers that don’t have support for NumberFormatter.
  • Fix: Z-index issue with product page header and WordPress menu.
  • Fix: Product pages not showing up in WordPress sitemap.
  • Fix: Firstname, Lastname always being required by default.
  • Fix: Floating cart not enabled by default.
  • Fix: Issue with incomplete store setups not able to make test checkouts.
  • Fix: Decimal point issue on adding prices in newest version of Firefox.
  • Fix: Coupon redemption dates incorrect on admin.
  • Fix: Conflict with WooCommerce permalinks and SureCart permalinks.
  • Fix: Quantity selector missing from line items on instant checkout page.
  • Fix: Display of some zero decimal currencies.
  • Fix: Compare at price cannot be cleared due to Firefox fix in previous version.
  • Fix: Fix conflict with Bricks Builder shop page dropdown width.
  • Fix: Disallow SureCart Products to be selected as menu items as this is not currently supported.
Team SureCart
June 2, 2023

SureCart 2: Build Any Type Of Ecommerce Store 🔥

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2, which brings product and shop pages to all SureCart users.

When we released SureCart last year, it initially didn’t have the options for traditional ecommerce stores out of the box. Our initial users were asking, where is the shop page? Where are the product pages?

We listened, and today we are making this available to all SureCart users.

Since this update brings many new things, we have prepared 3 videos to show you how to get the most out of these new features.

How To Setup & Customize Product Lists
How To Customize WordPress Product Pages
How To Setup & Customize Your WordPress Shopping Cart


  • New: Customizable product pages.
  • New: Customizable shop page.
  • New: Elementor product page customization.
  • New: Customer background sync for imported customers.
  • New: SEO metadata and product schema integration.
  • New: Archive and delete option on upgrade groups.
  • New: Ability to disable purchase/download emails.
  • New: Cancel orders and manually mark orders as paid.


  • Improvement: Don’t show price decimal places if price is whole number.
  • Improvement: Update component dependencies.
  • Improvement: Improved UI when updating subscription price on admin subscription page.
  • Improvement: Rename “Status” to “Product Page” to clarify product status.
  • Improvement: Truncate mobile line items to max of 3 lines.
  • Improvement: Hide product image on line items below certain widths to prevent squishing text.
  • Improvement: Update roles to allow multisite installations to manage their own stores.


  • Fix: Show notice if subscription payoff is not available for store.
  • Fix: Product description bullet points css issue on admin screen.
  • Fix: Coupon overflow issue on mobile when coupon field is expanded by default.
Team SureCart
May 3, 2023

Physical Product Support Timeline

Here is our timeline for supporting physical products.

We have discussed this in multiple conversations, but I want to have a dedicated post on it, so we are all on the same page.

This is our “projected” timeline.

May 2023

  • We released product image galleries 2 days ago
  • We are releasing the menu cart in 1 – 2 weeks
  • We are releasing product pages and shop page by the end of the month

June 2023

  • We are releasing shipping charges ( this is done, but we are working on the UI )

July 2023

  • We are releasing product variations

All of these timelines are subject to delays, but we are pretty confident in them because we have been working on this all year.

Along with this we are working on WooCommerce migrations, including WooCommerce Subscriptions. This is part of a bigger project we are working on that will cover more than just WooCommerce migrations.

Team SureCart
May 1, 2023

Product Image Galleries, URL Parameters & More…

We are pleased to announce SureCart v1.10 which brings us closer to releasing product pages.

Introducing Product Image Galleries

Prior, you could add one image per product, but this update changes that.

Now you can add multiple images to each product and they will be displayed in an elegant image gallerie. You can see this today on Instant Checkout pages, and later this month in product pages.

Introducing URL Parameters

URL parameters are data you can add to a checkout URL to prefill in data on the checkout form. It’s a way to make completing a checkout faster for your buyers.

The most common use of this would be when you are sending a promotional email to your buyers. You already know thier name and email address, so why not prefill this data out for them when they visit the checkout page? It’s easy.

We have a doc that fully covers this with examples.

Introducing Subscription Pausing

SureCart has always offered more capable subscription management. We are taking it further with subscription pausing.

When selling subscriptions, your subscribers will have different needs and requests regarding their subscriptions. One of those will be to pause their subscription for a period of time. For example, if they are going out of town for a few months, and want to pause the subscription vs cancel it.

With other ecommerce tools, this is not an option, but with SureCart we give our merchants the tools to manage subscriptions to prevent cancelations.


  • New: Multiple product images.
  • New: Instant checkout product images slideshow.
  • New: Phone number block for checkout.
  • New: Pre-populate name and email fields from url parameters.


  • Improvement: Subscription pausing UX in merchant admin.
  • Improvement: Option to disable individual abandoned checkout emails.
  • Improvement: Ability to turn on/off abandoned checkouts in test mode.
Team SureCart
March 31, 2023

New Customer Area & PayPal Subscriptions For Everyone 🔥

We are pleased to announce SureCart v1.9 which brings some massive new things to all SureCart users.

This update brings 2 huge new features.

New Customer Area Experience

SureCart has always strived to make your ecommerce life easy, and this new customer area experience is a huge improvement. Now every SureCart powered website will have an elegant, yet customizable, customer area, regardless of the theme or page builder that you are using.

PayPal Subscriptions For Everyone

All SureCart users have been able to sell subscriptions and installment plans, but PayPal requires you to have reference transactions enabled on your PayPal account. Other processors like Stripe and Mollie don’t have this requirement.

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to get reference transactions enabled if you are not in the US or EU.

But this is no longer the case for smart merchants that have chosen SureCart for their ecommerce! Because SureCart is platform based, we were able to get the platform approved, so all merchants using the SureCart platform can start selling subscriptions and installment plans now.


  • New: Paypal subscriptions enabled for all connected PayPal accounts.
  • New: Default customer dashboard template.


  • Fix: Issue with Elementor when no forms are published.
  • Fix: Issue with Elementor not loading when all forms are unpublished.
  • Fix: Invalid URL error notice on Elementor editor.
Team SureCart
March 22, 2023

SureCart 1.8: Introducing Instant Checkout Pages

Selling your products and services will never be the same again. Instant Checkout is for merchants that want instant results!

Say goodbye to having to make lots of design decisions, which gets in the way of selling. And say hello to Instant Checkout, the most beautiful way to present and sell your products, with no effort on your part.

While the main highlight is the Instant Checkout pages, this update also brings the ability to offer paid trials and add setup fees to your pricing plans.

Continue Reading...
Team SureCart
February 28, 2023

Version 1.7.0

We are back with another huge update for you 🎉!

When making an announcement video to go over everything, we decided to also reveal the game-changing new feature that will be in our next update.


  • New: Mollie processor (Beta).
  • New: Revoke subscription purchases.
  • New: Ability to cancel manual orders.
  • New: Allow external URLs in downloads.
  • New: The ability to delete a customer on the merchant customer page.
  • New: Add grace period to abandoned checkouts.
  • New: Ignore purchased products setting for abandoned checkouts.


  • Improvement: Checkouts now show a confirmation modal before the thank you page.
  • Improvement: Update payment plan wording to be more clear about number of payments.
  • Improvement: RTL improvements.
  • Improvement: Tax ID Input field – allow labels to be editable.
  • Improvement: Stripe Payment Element now will inherit name, address, email fields for payment types that require it.
  • Improvement: Product/Price/Customer select dropdowns now paginate.
  • Improvement: Prevent cart posts from being misconfigured.
  • Improvement: Prevent “Store Checkout” forms and pages from being misconfigured.
  • Improvement: Customers can update their subscriptions to a default payment method when they switch default payment methods.


  • Fix: Block names not being translated.
  • Fix: Product restrictions on coupon page not showing prices until subsequent load.
Team SureCart
February 10, 2023

Version 1.6.0


  • New: Conditional form areas.
  • New: Default checkout page design.
  • New: French, Spanish and German languages in plugin UI.
  • New: Form error display block to customize where form errors will display.


  • Improvement: Form focus animation improvements.
  • Improvement: Order summary collapse animation improvements.
  • Improvement: Display order bump discounts next to their line items.
  • Improvement: Inner layout options for column block.
  • Improvement: Responsive options for our columns block.
  • Improvement: Display character limit on textarea input for checkout forms.
  • Improvement: Allow recurring referrals with AffiliateWP.


  • Fix: Removing subscription line item on checkout sometimes causing payment block styling issues.
Team SureCart
January 29, 2023

Conditional Checkout Forms Preview

We are very close to releasing our first version of conditional forms.

The way it works is, you place a conditional container in your forms, and then place the checkout components that you want to show or hide based on some condition.

This feature will be available in all of our premium plans and will enable you to make better checkout forms that will increase conversions and make your life as a merchant much easier.

We may have a beta this week. But here is a glimpse, so you can think through how you will use it in your business.

A tremendous amount of effort went into this feature. We have been working on it since November. The challenge is not the code, it’s the design and experience we give our users. It must be the best you have ever experienced, so it usually has to go multiple rounds with our UI/UX team to get perfect.