Team SureCart
December 5, 2023

SureCart 2.12: Order Returns

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.12, which brings the first phase of Order Return functionality inside SureCart.

This phase brings the options for the merchant to start and manage the return process.

Phase 2 will be adding visuals to the customer area when a customer requests a full or partial return of their order.

Phase 3 will bring new filtering options to the order list view and email notifications for returns.


  • New: Returns – create and manage return requests on the admin order screen.


  • Improvement: List the variant and price with the purchase in the customer’s purchase list on the admin.
  • Improvement: Add shortcode for product variant choices to be used in custom page builder product page templates.
  • Improvement: Handle out-of-stock errors better when the item is added to the cart.


  • Fix: Draft orders having the wrong status on the admin orders screen.
  • Fix: Admin order pages showing the product image on line items instead of the variant image.
  • Fix: CSS conflict with some themes causing password field inspector controls to be pushed offscreen.
  • Fix: Customers not syncing with users when “Create New Users” is unchecked in the manual customer sync button.
  • Fix: Duplication of labels on the price selector.
Team SureCart
November 29, 2023

SureCart 2.11.3: Greater Control

Normally we don’t have an announcement for point releases, but this point release brings a UI change as well as new settings for power users.

As we try to make SureCart more intuitive, one of the pain points we have seen consistently in our help desk is when a merchant deletes an important page needed by SureCart.

To compensate for this and add some extra conveniences, we have added a few sub menu items that will take you to these important pages, and it will also display if there are any issues with those pages.

This is going to add convenience, reduce clicks, and reduce support requests.

However, for our OG power users, they may not like this. Not to fear, we have you in mind, we have added some toggles in the settings for you guys and gals.


  • Improvement: Update SureCart menu to include shop, checkout, dashboard pages.
  • Improvement: Automatic integration with RankMath Sitemaps.


  • Fix: Issue with Spectra saving when inline CSS setting is used.
  • Fix: Responsive issue with plan actions on customer dashboard.
  • Fix: Properly handle error if WordPress user exists when creating customer on admin.
  • Fix: Issue with HUF currency.
Team SureCart
November 21, 2023

SureCart 2.11: Introducing Affiliate Platform

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.11, which brings a built-in Affiliate Platform to all SureCart stores.

A great way to increase exposure and revenue for your store is to have an affiliate program.

This is where you pay a commission to people that refer sales to your store. The affiliate uses an affiliate link, so everything is automatically tracked.

Typical affiliate software can cost in the hundreds of dollars per year and into thousands of dollars per year.

The good news for SureCart merchants is, there is a built-in affiliate platform built into SureCart and it’s quite easy to setup.


  • New: SureCart affiliate platform!


  • Improvement: Use deferred payment intent method for Stripe Payment element to prevent incomplete payment log on Stripe dashboard.
  • Improvement: Show product and price name on customer dashboard subscription switch page.


  • Fix: Issue with duplicate line items on some forms due to plugin conflict.
  • Fix: Permissions issue with coupon not being allowed in customer dashboard subscription update.
  • Fix: Instant checkout errors for new checkouts due to duplicate line item fix.
Team SureCart
November 14, 2023

SureCart 2.10: Focused On Accessibility

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.10, which brings extensive accessibility improvements to all SureCart stores.

During this rapid release cycle turning SureCart into a full-fledged ecommerce platform, we made the misjudgment to address accessibility in these new capabilities after we finished releasing the features.

This past August, we realized that, if we had to do it over again we would do it differently and sought out a professional accessibility audit of SureCart.

Our team then worked diligently through all the recommendations.

This update brings extensive accessibility enhancements and the team really paid attention to all the tiny details.

For example, the coupon field, tabbing into it, entering a coupon code, and being able to clear the coupon before proceeding.

Another example, the voice-over for the product list when a user adds a product filter, it will announce how many results for users of screen readers, indicating to the user that the results are present on the page.

Also, when the slide out cart appears, it will be announced for the voice-over for users of screen readers, and the user can tab to the close icon or can hit the escape key.

These are just examples of the level of detail the team has gone to in order to make SureCart fully navigable via a keyboard and screen readers.

Now that this release is out, we will seek out another professional unbiased 3rd party audit and a VPAT that will be published on our website.

We are committed to making SureCart the most accessible ecommerce platform out of the box and will ensure all new developments go through a detailed accessibility audit before being released.


  • Improvement: Keyboard and screen reader accessibility of customer-facing UI.
  • Improvement: Make Stripe Payment Element the new default for the Stripe processor.
  • Improvement: Show a notice if Gutenberg plugin is active as this plugin is experimental.


  • Fix: Ensure SureCart column block does not get top margin in editor.
  • Fix: Dark theme not applying to shipping choices on checkout page.
  • Fix: Apostrophe being displayed as HTML entity instead of plain text on State/Province selector.
  • Fix: Setting a password did not consider a “-” as a special character.
Team SureCart
November 10, 2023

SureCart 2.9: Refinements Galore

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.9, which brings multiple refinements to all SureCart stores.

Our favorite is the ability to add a coupon to a subscription.


  • New: Delay self-service cancellations – prevents customers from cancelling their subscription on the customer dashboard until a set number of days before renewal.
  • New: Enable or disable fulfillment notifications on admin order screen.
  • New: Ability to add coupon to subscription on admin subscription screen.


  • Improvement: Show recurring details of a coupon at checkout.
  • Improvement: Show line items on customer dashboard order details page.


  • Fix: Price selector hide label, price, control not working as expected.
  • Fix: Show required symbol on tax input if it’s required.
  • Fix: Incorrect test mode notice on coupons page.
  • Fix: Subscription merchant admin columns getting squished.
  • Fix: Product email settings description for licensing is incorrect.
  • Fix: Admin console notice for duplicate store registration.
Team SureCart
November 1, 2023

SureCart 2.8: Introducing Product Variations & Inventory

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.8, which brings Product Variations and Inventory to all SureCart stores.

With this update, now SureCart can be a full replacement for WooCommerce or other ecommerce software that brings the full ecommerce experience.


  • New: Product variants
  • New: Stock management
  • New: Product SKU


  • Improvement: Redesign of the line item quantity selector
  • Improvement: Display of price name on line items in addition to the variant
  • Improvement: Preloading of price choices to speed up checkout form loading
  • Improvement: Faster loading of checkout forms with preset prices


  • Fix: Issue with forms not loading properly when editing in admin
  • Fix: Typo in the deletion of webhook processes that prevented clearing of process logs older than 90 days
  • Fix: Z-index issue on the checkout page during the loading state
  • Fix: Improved handling of price version mismatches on the checkout form
  • Fix: Issue with customers not being able to add non-credit card Mollie payment methods on the customer dashboard
  • Fix: Use of hashed strings for transient caching to prevent excessively long transient names
Team SureCart
October 6, 2023

SureCart 2.7.4: Greater Control

Normally we don’t have an announcement for point releases, but this point release has some nice improvements that SureCart merchants have been asking for.

Now you can have greater control with abandoned checkouts by selectively tuning them off.


  • Improvement: Ability to turn off/on individual abandoned checkout flows for a customer.
  • Improvement: Add support for mandatory address field for Indian merchants using Stripe.
  • Improvement: Improve error message for when a customer reaches a purchase limit on checkout.
  • Improvement: Add php filter to filter “Back to home” and logo url on customer dashboard template.
  • Improvement: Don’t allow quantity larger than purchase limit on product page.
  • Improvement: Fix location of purchase error message on default checkout.
  • Change: Deprecate tabbed customer dashboard.
  • Change: Remove “Draft/Published” tag in header for product page to avoid confusion.


  • Fix: Alignment of product page price not working on the front end for left and center alignment.
  • Fix: Discount duration default not being correct when creating a coupon.
Team SureCart
September 19, 2023

SureCart 2.7: Introducing Product Collections

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.7, which brings Product Collections to all SureCart stores.

With Product Collection, you can group your products together and beautifully display them on dedicated Product Collection pages. And these pages are fully customizable like all things SureCart.

But the fun doesn’t stop there :-). You can also:

  • Add a collection badge to your product pages
  • Buyers can filter products by collections
  • Add menu links to product collection pages
  • Filter products by collection in the admin


  • New: Product collections – group your products into collections and create collection pages.


  • Improvement: Add shipping and tax address to edit customer page.
  • Improvement: Better error messaging on checkout forms.
  • Improvement: Accessibility improvements to tax id input and line item removal.
  • Improvement: Remove deprecated customer link endpoint.
  • Improvement: Add “Back Home” url filter on customer dashboard template.
  • Update: Changed “Void” orders to “Canceled” for better naming.


  • Fix: PHP 8.0 notices on User model.
  • Fix: Keyboard accessibility issue with buy and add to cart buttons. (kudos @anphira)
  • Fix: Keyboard accessibility issue with coupon field on checkout page and cart.  (kudos @anphira)
  • Fix: Hide non-reusable payment methods on subscription pages.
  • Fix: Title/heading block overflowing container on some screen sizes.
  • Fix: Issue with some servers not capitalizing headers causing webhook invalid signature errors.
  • Fix: Performance issue with collections in menus using Full Site Editing themes.
Team SureCart
September 11, 2023

SureCart 2.6: Subscription Insights Has Arrived

We are pleased to announce SureCart 2.6, which brings a Subscription Insights.

With Subscription Insights, you can at a glance see the most important metrics to your subscription business.

Also, this release brings significant performance improvements and webhook improvements.


  • New: Subscription metrics on merchant dashboard.
  • New: Ability to revoke access when installments are completed.


  • Improvement: Webhooks reliability, performance and failure visibility improvements.
  • Improvement: Performance improvement with columns implementations.
  • Improvement: Rework how processors are handled on the form when multiple credit card processors are enabled.
  • Improvement: Loading speed improvement for admin dashboard pages.